Firm Profile
We are committed to providing close, personal attention to our clients and take pride in giving you the assurance that the assistance you receive comes from years of advanced training, technical experience and financial acumen. Our continual investment of time and resources in professional continuing education, state-of-the-art computer technology and extensive business relationships is indicative of our commitment to excellence.
We believe in the value of relationships and view every client relationship like a partnership. We truly believe that our success is a result of your success.
The partners of Weinberg & Gaspirc Chartered Accountants LLP (W&G) originated in PricewaterhouseCoopers where they worked mainly with owner-managed businesses, not-for-profit organizations, and individuals. Weinberg & Gaspirc was established in July 1996 when we left PricewaterhouseCoopers to continue to serve the owner managed business and not-for-profit markets. In particular we serve as controllers and/or CFO’s for a number of hospital foundations and other not-for-profits and charities. Our firm has built a substantial body of knowledge and expertise in this area and have been engaged to assist a number of not-for-profits and charities in setting up appropriate accounting structures, ensuring compliance with donor and funder agreements, aligning policies with organizations’ needs and implementing other best practices.
We believe our combined experience and training position us well to provide quality, hands-on service to our clients. One of our major strengths is our team approach to service which allows all of the partners to be conversant with all of our clients' needs. The advantages to our clients are direct access to senior people and continuity in service providers who understand their business and personal situations.
Eileen Gaspirc, B. Comm., CPA, CA
Eileen obtained her CA in 1979 and was involved in the owner managed business practice at PricewaterhouseCoopers until 1996 when the firm Weinberg & Gaspirc Chartered Accountants LLP was formed, except for a two year period when she left PricewaterhouseCoopers to be the Vice President Finance and Administration of a small business client. Eileen has clients in a wide variety of industries. She is and has been the lead partner on most of the firm’s hospital foundation assignments, the lead and second review partner on most of the firm’s audit clients and is the lead partner of many systems and governance review assignments for our NPO clients. Eileen has developed and presented numerous educational sessions for the staff and boards of our not-for-profit clients and is currently acting as CFO and controller within our controllership practice for several businesses and NPOs.
Kevin Shin, B.Sc, CPA, CA
Kevin obtained his CA in 1985 and was involved in the owner managed business and tax specialty group at PricewaterhouseCoopers until 1989. Over the next several years Kevin kept his own part time CA practice while serving as a tax manager of a major finance company during 1989 to 1991 and President of his own family business up to 1998 at which time he joined Weinberg & Gaspirc Chartered Accountants LLP. Kevin has clients in a wide variety of industries and is currently acting as controller for various businesses and not-for-profit organizations. He is also involved in a number of consulting projects for systems reviews for our NPO clients and is the lead partner on a number of other controllership clients for the firm. Kevin has also presented educational sessions for the staff and boards of our not-for-profit clients.
Joel Weinberg, CPA, CA
Joel obtained his CA in 1987 and was involved in the owner managed business group at PricewaterhouseCoopers until 1989. Over the next 16 years Joel worked in the industry until 2005 when he joined Weinberg & Gaspirc Chartered Accountants LLP. During his time in the industry Joel gained experience working in finance, retail, real estate, software, publishing and marketing. Since joining the firm, Joel has worked extensively in the assurance side of the practice mainly with charities and NPOs. Joel is the lead partner on most of the assurance clients and is experienced in presenting to audit and finance committees and boards.